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How to achieve greater income & freedom without the usual risks of starting a business.

Patricia Bottero Saint-Jean.


Have you ever wished you had a better lifestyle than what your job gives you, but feared that starting or buying a business would be too risky?

If so, you aren’t alone.

The majority of Americans (62% according to research) crave the flexible lifestyle of an entrepreneur and wish they could start a business they own. But very few actually take steps to do it.

Fear of failure is the main reason that stops people from starting or buying a business.

This is why too many spend their professional lives in unfilling and limiting jobs. Most have regrets later in life when it’s too late.

An entrepreneur I admire told me once that FEAR is nothing more than an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.

The problem with starting a business is that the small to mid-size business (SME) sector is opaque and filled with biased information.

This leads to FEAR because we don’t have the correct information. How could you have the right information unless you have spent years running businesses you own?

So it goes without saying: Demystifying this false evidence is the only way to overcome the fear of getting into a business to have control in crafting a life of our own design.

That makes sense, right?

This is why I’ve developed a solution to this problem…

Since 1988 my career has been in the trenches of America’s Main Street Business, where I have associated with hundreds of successful and happy business owners and also miserable ones.

It has always fascinated me that some people succeed in building a life that suits them and their family with a business they own, while others fail.

From my experience working with successful business owners, here is the most critical step before you do anything else. Shed light on that False Evidence Appearing Real by doing these three things:

  1. Research and pick the right business for you. There are thousands of fantastic ideas for businesses, but a few are most ideal for who you are and what you want to achieve.
  2. Vet its economic viability to make sure it offers products your market wants and is willing and able to pay for.
  3. Plan its launch and growth in advance so that you can pay yourself during ramp-up and not run out of money before your business gets to profits.

In fact, most of this work is best done BEFORE you quit your job and before you invest all your savings and more in that business.

Now obviously, that’s easier said than done, right?

You can’t normally just start a business without taking the risk that it might not succeed.

That’s why I’ve developed the RIGHT BUSINESS RIGHT LIFE™ methodology. It’s a roadmap that guides you step-by-step through the process of researching, vetting, and planning your business before you launch it. As a result, it gives you the confidence that you and your business will succeed. It also gives you a way out before you put significant sums at risk just in case you change your mind or a better opportunity shows up.

This is the best way to minimize risks and eliminate the belief that owning a business is too risky for you. Business is indeed risky for those who don’t know how to exercise this early-stage work.

Let’s not forget:
- The risks of being stuck for life in soul-sucking jobs that take more of us than they give.
- The risks inherent to today’s jobs can lay us off on any Friday.
- The risks of having deep regrets at the end of our life for not taking a chance on ourselves.
These risks are enormous and not worth missing out on our life potential!

On the other hand, owning the right business for you, and building it on a solid foundation, can ultimately let you live your life on your own terms by prioritizing your time on this planet based on who and what matters the most to you.

If you’d like to have more clarity either with a business you are considering starting or to determine what it would take to get into one full-time or as a side-gig, let’s hop on a quick 15-minute phone call.

Book a time, to chat, that works for you here.

During that call, we’ll look at how a business could be your best career move and what are your next steps if you decide to pursue this strategy.

Spots are limited, and there’s zero obligation to work with me, but if we do end up being a fit, I’ll invite you to become a private client of mine, and we can work together on starting the right business for you so that you can live a life you love.

Talk soon!

Cheers to living a life you love!




Patricia Bottero Saint-Jean.

Author of RIGHT BUSINESS RIGHT LIFE and business coach for freedom seekers like you. I believe business ownership is the best way to a life crafted by design.